First Cut:
Options for Growth
We need to think clearly about the impediments to audience growth and how we might break through them.
We need both the big picture and a micro focus. Every station, every state.
–Mark Vogelzang
President, Vermont Public Radio
At its first meeting the Audience Growth Task Force generated dozens of ideas and possibilities to increase the use and value of public radio. Sorting through the list, three major clusters emerge:
America's demography is changing and we must refine our service for more use by and value to changing communities
Electronic media are evolving and we must develop services that capture the opportunities of new platforms
To compete for attention we must strengthen our competitiveness across all areas of operations
Here are some of the initial items for exploration and further discussion.
Use and Value to Changing Communities
Evaluate and understand potential of increased service for various college-educated constituencies:
Address "tone" and other barriers to use and value
Consider connections to governance and staff
Explore new format(s)
Capture Opportunities on New Platforms
Digital discovery
—Evaluate and understand impact of lifestyle and media use changes
—Sample and publicize Google Analytics and other metrics
—Explore online formats and services
—Explore social networking and online convening
Develop capacities for concurrent production for broadcast and online
Develop shared search and findability
Partnerships with online nonprofits
Digital strategy and models for stations of different scale and different size markets
Strengthen Competitiveness Across Operations
Strengthen core network news programs - content, schedule, and local presentation
Assure availability of top formats in top markets
Increase differentiation of service across stations within markets
Assess opportunities of new channels
Competitive local and regional programming - scale and focus
Consistent local execution of formats - professional development
Stronger, significant organizations
Governance focused on service
Community engagement
Advanced development work
Strategies for college grads who do not use public radio regularly
New format(s) and services
New sound and sensibility
Marketing and outreach