Leadership & Service

SRG supports an individual and collective sense of responsibility to provide leadership that will advance our field and the quality of the service we provide to the public. SRG members believe in the impact of pooled resources, the importance of efficiencies realized through shared agendas, and the power of informed action that flows from a larger strategic context.

For individual SRG members, this translates as significant responsibilities outside one's own station:

  • Serving on the boards of NPR, PRX, the Radio Research Consortium, Greater Public, Public Radio Program Directors, and most of public radio's regional organizations and professional associations.

  • Participating on the panels and committees that review national policies, grant national funds, and hand out awards at a host of agencies and organizations.

  • Lending expertise to task forces and working groups that plan our future in areas that range from major gifts to digital services to expanding public media's diversity and inclusion.

  • Joining as partners with colleagues who want to try something new in programming, fundraising, or research.

For SRG's staff and consultants, this means:

  • Supporting members in their respective leadership roles with research, analysis, brainstorming, and strategic advice that allows them to serve effectively and productively.

  • Taking on leadership and service roles ourselves to help other public media organizations be stronger and fulfill their missions.

  • Helping stations and organizations outside the SRG membership in times of special need or when we are uniquely able to assist.